

Page history last edited by SorceressMiklai 3 years, 3 months ago


Welcome one an' all to yer No 1. source of all Piratin' Pets! Petnome Pirates!





How You Can Help

How to submit data for Pirate101 pets

How To Use This Site (Video)



Important Notice!


Please use Pirate101Petnome@outlook.com as a way to submit your First Generation pet info! Note that when submitting pictures, you need to include both shots of TALENT and POWER pages. Thank you!




Petnome Pirate News:


We have a new email to submit pet Power and Talent abilities, enter contests, or just contact a member of our team.


The new email is Pirate101Petnome@outlook.com


We have new Indexes* to help you sort out the pets you are looking for!

*These are continuous works in progress that are constantly being updated 


Close to Completion Index: Pets that have 4 or less Talents/Powers needed to complete them.

Completed Pets Index: Pets whose petnomes have been completed.

Egg Type Index: Pets who are sorted by their types of eggs.

Grants Powers Index: Powers that are granted to your pirate to use during battle when the particular pet is equipped.

Grants Talents Index: Talents that are granted to your pirate in addition to learned talents when the particular pet is equipped.

PvP Pets Index: Pets that you can buy for Scrip from Honest Thomas Purdue in the Brawlin' Hall.

Retired Pets Index: Pets that are no longer available to be acquired.

Seasonal & Holiday Pets Index: Pets sorted by special events & certain times of the year. 


If anyone in the community wishes to help us add or update any of these Indexes please send your screenshots and/or details (sources MUST BE YOUR OWN) to us at Pirate101Petnome@outlook.com with "Index Information" in the subject line. All information will be credited to the contributor





No Contests at this time. Check back later 




Petnome Additions:




Upcoming Events & Parties:



No events occurring at this time


Official Pirate101 Links & Fansites:


Pirate101 on Twitter

Pirate101 Facebook


Adventures of the Spiral

Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem

Ditto's Blog


Mercenaries for Charter

Paige's Page

Pirate101 Central

Pirate101 Skyways

Secrets of the Spiral

Spiral Radio

Swordroll's Blog




Contact Info:

Twitter: @PetnomePirates

Email: Pirate101Petnome@outlook.com

Petnome Pirates Facebook Page


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Wizard101 Petnome Project Portal

(Click the link to be taken to our Wizard101 Official Fansite)


**We are NOT KingsIsle -- please do not submit Game Suggestions or Requests**

Petnome Pirates site created:

July 31st, 2013

Official P101 Fansite Status obtained:

August 21st, 2013



View current and past staff members here:

Members of Petnome Pirates



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