Friendship Festival Pixel Hunt
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Saved by Beatriz Abbott
on February 6, 2020 at 5:05:03 pm
Happy Friendship Festival 2020!
While we were out exploring Skull Island, we found some interesting friendship festival-colored pictures. The only problem is that they're really small, and we can't tell what they are supposed to be! Can you identify where each picture was taken?
Each picture was taken somewhere in Skull Island accessible to all players (i.e. you don't need a membership or a crowns purchase to access it).
Once you think you know where a picture was taken, go to that place in game and take a screenshot of your pirate next to the object.
Some pictures are of items that show up more than once or in more than one place; as long as you can identify the object correctly, it won't matter where you take the picture, as long as the object is included in the screenshot.
If you can't identify all the objects, don't worry! Do your best and submit as many screenshots as possible to maximize your chances of winning a prize. If multiple people get the same number of correct answers, they will be entered into a random drawing for a prize.
None of the pictures are of players, equippable items like pets, clothes, weapons, etc., or housing objects.
You have from today until Valentine's Day (February 14th at 11:59 pm mountain time) to submit your screenshots with your pirate's name in an email to pirate101petnome@outlook.com.
Friendship Festival Pixel Hunt
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