
Friendship Festival Pixel Hunt

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Saved by Beatriz Abbott
on February 6, 2020 at 5:05:03 pm


Happy Friendship Festival 2020!


While we were out exploring Skull Island, we found some interesting friendship festival-colored pictures. The only problem is that they're really small, and we can't tell what they are supposed to be! Can you identify where each picture was taken?









  • Each picture was taken somewhere in Skull Island accessible to all players (i.e. you don't need a membership or a crowns purchase to access it).

  • Once you think you know where a picture was taken, go to that place in game and take a screenshot of your pirate next to the object.

  • Some pictures are of items that show up more than once or in more than one place; as long as you can identify the object correctly, it won't matter where you take the picture, as long as the object is included in the screenshot.

  • If you can't identify all the objects, don't worry! Do your best and submit as many screenshots as possible to maximize your chances of winning a prize. If multiple people get the same number of correct answers, they will be entered into a random drawing for a prize.

  • None of the pictures are of players, equippable items like pets, clothes, weapons, etc., or housing objects.

  • You have from today until Valentine's Day (February 14th at 11:59 pm mountain time) to submit your screenshots with your pirate's name in an email to pirate101petnome@outlook.com.


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